About Us

WI Venture is an Investment Management firm that helps startup founders on raising funds and build corporate partnerships. WI Ventures has a wide range syndicate of 850+ Investors from the USA, Europe, APAC, MENA, South Africa, and LATAMMost of our syndicated investors are Strategic Investors like Family offices, Corporate Venture Capital, HNIS, UNHIS, and First-time Angel Investors.

Kartik Agnihotri

CEO & Managing Partner


Services for You

Fundraising is one of the most Challenging and time taking process for the Startup in these days. Connecting with investors through multiple sources and platforms can make your schedule hectic. We have bring more than 850+ Global Investors at one place who is eager to know more about your business. 
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Global Partnership
Unlocking the Global Partnership with the right brand can be tricky because of not having a right connectivity. WI Ventures enables that for you and unlocking the right connectivity source with over 500+ Global Brands.
Hurry Now Brands are waiting for you
Finding a right Mentor can be a biggest Challenge for you to turn your idea into a billion dollar business. We have over 500+ Personalities who can personally mentor you with their experiences and real examples.
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Funds Secured
Satisfied Clients

Dedicated to Serve you

WI Ventures is dedicated to serve the best results for dedicated founders who build Global Outreach Brands Globally. We rule the market with the 80% of Success rate to solve the founders problem along with requirements. 

Global Partnerships

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What our clients Say

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Ada Rose Business Owner

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John Blitz Contact Creator

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Brayan Rich Content Readers

Maecenas vitae urna maximus, rutrum nisi ac, mattis justo. Donec congue pharetra nibh at posuere. Morbi non elementum ex.

Rashid Ahmad Development Expert